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  • lhughey9

eJournal M2

Analysis of the situation that our organization finds itself leads to a two-fold conclusion. One, our staff has multiplied in a short amount of time, creating gaps in the previous mentoring approach that was being utilized to grow a new employee's knowledge of procedures and put them into practice. Two, the knowledge transfer from mentor to mentee is inconsistent and does not lend itself to identifying either the mentor or mentee's blame or accountability.

Atlas Field Services and its sister organization Goldcoast Utility Specialists are slightly nomadic in nature and need materials to be as nimble and flexible as the schedules of the employees they comprise. This fact pushes for materials to be created that are accessible from anywhere in their operation regions and easy to navigate. This calls for a paradigm shift in how we operate our onboarding and the implementation of further CBT (computer-based training) or ABT (app-based training). Our employees have begun to utilize Sentix, a safety training application, over the past year. This platform allows for new materials to be customized and added to their system within your company portal. As I progress through the ADDIE model and find myself I the design phase, I will be focusing my efforts on creating materials that will be function well in that environment.

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