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  • lhughey9

eJournal 6

Media and Strategy

Utilizing an application and cloud-based LMS allows for the ultimate flexibility in delivering the course materials conveniently and timely. The chosen LMS platform from iTrains, known as Sentix, is already used for many safety and cyber training and development courses that our employees use routinely. This familiarity with the platform also adds to the ease of this new onboarding/knowledge share course that much more efficient and effective.


Development: Over the coming month, the material will be vetted by our in-house industry experts and storyboarded to fit the framework required by the iTrains developers. They will then integrate the supplied material into a “sandbox” module for testing by myself and other individuals drafted onto the development team.

Rollout: The integration phase and testing phase should take approximately 6 to 9 weeks to complete. We will allow for an additional two weeks of correction and modification before launching the onboarding/knowledge share platform sometime at the end of the third quarter of 2021.

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