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  • lhughey9

Analysis (The ADDIE Model)

The analysis phase is where goals and objectives are established. One might think of this phase as being where you wrap your head around and prepare for what is to come in creating the exercises. Analyzing the whole picture of what you want to accomplish with your subject matter will be what allows for you to start thinking about how you will move into the next phase of the model.

The best explanation that I have found is from a 2003 journal publication by Christine Peterson. I have shared it below.

"Phase 1: Analysis In the analysis phase, the designers’ main consideration is the target audience. First, a needs analysis is conducted to determine the needs of the audience by distinguishing between what students already know and what they need to know at the conclusion of the course. During the needs analysis, instructors or designers examine standards and competencies to establish a foundation when determining what students need by the completion of the Information may also be available from previous course evaluations if the course has already been taught. Subsequently, a task analysis is also necessary to identify the instructional content or the specific skills related to the job or course. The content of the course or program can be analyzed with the aid of course texts, sample syllabi, and course websites with a similar focus." (Peterson, 2003)


Peterson, C. (2003). Bringing ADDIE to Life: Instructional Design at Its Best.

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